Monday, March 26, 2007

February 2007: Milan - “IL MONUMENTALE” - Soldiers XII

“We've fought 'em in trooper, we've fought 'em in dock, and drunk with 'em in betweens, When they called us the seasick scull'ry-maids, an' we called 'em the Ass Marines; But, when we was down for a double fatigue, from Woolwich to Bernardmyo, We sent for the Jollies -- 'Er Majesty's Jollies -- soldier an' sailor too! They think for 'emselves, an' they steal for 'emselves, and they never ask what's to do, But they're camped an' fed an' they're up an' fed before our bugle's blew. Ho! they ain't no limpin' procrastitutes -- soldier an' sailor too.”

Rudyard Kipling

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