Monday, March 26, 2007

February 2007: Milan - “IL MONUMENTALE” - Soldiers XVI

"I would like the words.
Alone through the forests dusky glade
a soldier went by night
no moon beam pierced the dusky glade
no star shed guiding light
yet on his lonely midnight round
the youth all cheerily passed
unchecked by aught of boding sound
that muttered in the blast
where were his thoughts that lonely hour?
in his far home perchance
his father's hall, his mother's bower
midst the gay vines of France
wondering of battles lost and won
to hear and bless again
the rolling of the wild garonne
and the murmer of the Seine
Hush, hark, did stealing steps go by
came not faint whispers near?
No, the wild wind hath many a sigh
amidst the foliage seer
hark yet again and what hand has
grasped the blade
oh single midst a hostile band
young soldier thou art betrayed
silence in undertones they cry
no whisper not a breath

the sound that warns they comrades
nigh shall sentence thee to death
still, at the bayonet's point
he stood and strong to meet the blow
he shouted midst his rushing blood
Arm, arm, auverne the foe
the stir, the tramp, the bugle call
he heard the tumult grow
and sent his dying voice though all
auverne, auverne the foe."

by Felicia Hemens

See all set of pictures that illustrates this post at:


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