Sunday, December 17, 2006

May 2006: FEAST OF COLOUR - Kunsthaus, Zurich - Publication

The exhibition is accompanied by a catalogue published by DuMont. Contributionsby Curator Tobia Bezzola, Werner Merzbacher (preface), Magdalena M. Moeller andStephanie Rachum offer the reader a wealth of information on the contentsand evolution of this private collection. Besides anecdotes recalling the personalrelations between the collectors’ family, artists and gallerists, and a life spentbetween Ascona, Zurich and New York, the catalogue also contains art-historicalanalyses of the significance of individual groups of works. These have beencontributed by Judi Freeman, Angelica Jawlensky-Bianconi, Linda Schädler,MaryAnne Stevens, Margit Weinberg Staber and Armin Zweite. 360 pages longand with 175 colored full-view illustrations and details, the catalogue – and theexhibition poster – are available in the Kunsthaus-Shop

André Derain
Bâteaux dans le Port de Collioure, 1905
Oil on Canvas, 72 x 91 cm