There is a moment in everyone’s life in which we believe to be unique in the whole world. We are as if the only person who fantasizes touching and being touched by another man, changing affections, kissing, making love or fucking, depending on how horny you are or on your delusions… so when we come face to face with somebody or with a given circumstance imposed upon us, all of the sudden a whole new universe, never before unveiled, is suddenly revealed. We feel estranged and alone, muffled by our fears: Boots? How it is possible that they have such an attractive power on me? And so on…
Along with the first kiss, the first man, the first fuck, came along the first one to share the same fantasy, the same passion for military boots, police boots, the sultry sound of marching boots, its armies... the rough and working class men with their dirty rubber boots... fishermen, firemen... suddenly, someone comes along with an even more sophisticated fantasy, more cerebral, which adds something up, something playful and with a latent potential.
A revisit to our games played as children or adolescents, in which youngsters play of killing each other, of heroes and outlaws... the evil must be punished... they very much deserve it... to be humiliated in their pose and arrogance.
I sometimes believe that series B movies, overflowing with exaggerated and cheap violence, where the died death is a plastic death, are in every way similar to pornographic flicks, perhaps the great majority of people don’t consider how much similarities there are here, the orgasms reached in these films reproduce the sounds of the violent scenes in the above mentioned, and vice versa, and it is these specific violent scenes, where outlaws are surprised by the shrapnel or the extreme orgasms, which pull out laughs from the audience, mainly and almost exclusively the masculine one.
A plural-sensorial experience, all senses alert towards the final climax... and after all, he wasn’t by himself in the world...
we’re here and are spread by all continents.
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