Lisbon Gay and Lesbian Film Festival

In 1997, I was invited to organize the 1st Lisbon Gay and Lesbian Film Festival. I took on this challenge with considerable enthusiasm, and it has given me great pleasure that the event has attained international recognition and is now in its 11th edition and renamed as Queer Lisboa.
In the present, for personal and professional reasons, I no longer direct the Film Festival and no longer live in Lisbon. I am living now in Lucerne, Switzerland. Having been the founder of this Festival and its director from 1997 to 2004, and being still pretty much emotionally attached to it and to its team, my collaboration with the Queer Lisboa will perpetuate thru a text of mine in the Festival Program and the selection of one film per edition.
Find at the links below the compilation, already posted in the past, of the 8 editions under my direction
In the present, for personal and professional reasons, I no longer direct the Film Festival and no longer live in Lisbon. I am living now in Lucerne, Switzerland. Having been the founder of this Festival and its director from 1997 to 2004, and being still pretty much emotionally attached to it and to its team, my collaboration with the Queer Lisboa will perpetuate thru a text of mine in the Festival Program and the selection of one film per edition.
Find at the links below the compilation, already posted in the past, of the 8 editions under my direction
Olá Celso, bom amigo
reencontrei o teu blog, e como podes ver, agora também tenho um.
Continuas igual a ti próprio, embora agora noutros locais, e bem, sentimentalmente, segundo penso.
Por aqui, algumas, poucas, modificações, apenas alumas afinações num percurso belo de 21 anos, que continua, mas agora com vidas mais independentes. E um amor novo, mas distante.A paixão pelo cinema mantem-se, embora o festival do ano passado, não tenha assistido, pois estava fora.
As tuas reportagens de viagens continuam magnificas e excelentemente ilustradas.
Um grande abraço.
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