Sunday, March 25, 2007

February 2007: Il Western all'Italiana - VIVA MARIA! by Louis Malle

Viva Maria! (1965)
Directed by Louis Malle
Runtime:119 min.
Country: France and Italy
Language: Spanish, French and German
Colour: Colour (Eastmancolour)
Sound Mix: Mono

The former Irish terrorist Maria II joins the vaudeville act of the French singer Maria I in Central America in 1907. During their first performance on stage they invent - per chance- strip tease and come to local stardom. When they come across a local rebellion, Maria I falls in love with the leader Flores. When he is deadly wounded, she promises him to continue the revolution against military, capitalists and the church.
Brigitte Bardot and Jeanne Moreau as Maria and Maria


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