Friday, March 23, 2007

57° berlinale - The Worst of Berlinale 2007 – 300 by Zack Snyder

...awful, atrocious, abominable, dreadful, terrible, unspeakable, detestable, execrable, deplorable, miserable, inferior, disgusting, hideous and 300 more synonyms to figure this really bad film.

The film 300 is adapted from the graphic novel 300 by Frank Miller in which Spartan King Leonidas and 300 Spartans ought to the last man against Persian King Xerxes (played by the Brazilian actor Rodrigo Santoro) and his massive army. Facing insurmountable odds, the Spartans' sacrifice inspires all of Greece to unite against the Persian invaders. The story is loosely based on the Battle of Themophylae which took place in the September of 480 BC.
The analogy with Americans versus The Evil Persians, Iraqis or whatever from the Middle East is fragrant. What was missing in this shit was Condoleezza Rice in front of the 300 men to guide them to the final battle against Persians.
Definitely one of the most overly hyped films in history. A stupid and boring fast-food version of b-movies, with better scripts, better acting and better battles.
Looks like a contradiction, because I'm a fan of B-movies. But B-movies are B movies and that is all. When a Z-movie like 300 has the pretension to be cinema that make me feel furious. I want my 40 minutes back. Yes, 40 minutes was how much I stayed inside the room, both of us suffering, my intelligence and I.
HOW DARE THEM? 300 men fighting to defend their freedom.
What this “people” know about freedom? They are prisoner of themselves and their stupidity, insanity. 300 isn't a film but a muscle magazine showing a bunch of sexy men swinging swords and screaming bloody murder. At the press conference the director Zack Snyder said that the film was in his mind for ages but only now he has got the money to do it. Logical! I'm absolutely sure that only now Condollezza, Donald Rumsfeld or whoever from Bush administration open their credit to make 300 a reality.
The film is pure PROPAGANDA and bad one. Is a terrorist attack against our intelligence.
The producer Mark Canton dared to described 300 as "an anti-epic" and that the project "has major themes of freedom, democracy and brotherhood that are very much in keeping with the world today."
To finish my point of view: We know how the Festivals' policies are and sometimes we haven't any option and we must screen some films. But berlinale is an institution and must preserve its name and level of quality. I have no idea how 300 was shown there.
Shame of them!!!


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