Monday, January 15, 2007

Talking about Death and Pornography I - Capuchins' Catacombs in Palermo I

I introduce you the Catholic Pornography: How can people just accept this as common: Please, wake up!!!

This is a photographic trip to the Capuchins' Catacombs located in Palermo, Italy, where there are thousands of corpses lined on the walls like paintings.
The halls are divided into catagories: Men, Women, Virgins, Children, Priests, Monks, and Professionals. The Professionals Hall includes at least one American, writers, lawyers, priests, and others.
The Professors' section contains the bodies of professors, doctors, lawyers, painters, officers and soldiers of the Bourbon and Italian army. Among the famous names are those of the painter Velasquez, the sculptors Filippo Pennino and Lorenzo Marabitti and the surgeon Salvatore Manzella.

The catacombs are located in Palermo, Sicily.
Visiting hours are from 9 a.m. - 12 noon, and 3:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.Directions: (as copied from the booklet from the Catacombs)


Blogger chocolatesurgery said...

why is this pornography?

19/11/15 11:33  

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