Thursday, February 02, 2006

RE-ENACTING : What is Reenacting?

Historical reenacting, sometimes called "Living History", is the recreation of events and people of the past.

Reenactors study their chosen period or periods, then try to recreate the lives of the people they study. Many reenactors do this as a hobby, and participate in "events" several times a year.
These events may be public displays (for example at an airshow), tactical events (private re-recreations of combat), or public battles (reenactments of battles in the public eye).

Reenactors are a link to our past. They keep the memory of the men, women and children who lived during their time period of portrayal alive. They try to inspire in today's people a love and understanding of history, and of those people who lived and died to bring us to where we are today.