Friday, September 30, 2005

REFERENCE: FILM – Les Blessures Assassines (2000)

Directed byJean-Pierre Denis
Also Known As:Murderous Maids (International: English title) (USA)
Cast: Sylvie Testud as Christine Papin, Julie-Marie Parmentier as Léa Papin, Isabelle Renauld as Clémence, Dominique Labourier as Mme Lincelan, François Levantal as Le Gazé, Jean-Gabriel Nordmann as Mr. Lincelan

Runtime: 94 min
Country: France
Color: ColorSound
Mix: Dolby Digital

On February 2nd 1933, in the town of Le Mans, in the West of France, two sisters, Christine Papin, 27, and her younger sister Léa Papin, 21, brutally killed their employer Mrs. Ancelin and her daughter Geneviève. Why did they commit this horrifying murder? As a result of an unhappy childhood? Because they couldn't stand any more being commanded and exploited by arrogant bourgeois employers? Because their incestuous relationship had been surprised? The film tries to answer these questions and make us understand why and how the two sisters turned from meek sheep to bloody monsters.

This history has inspired Genet to write LES BONNES


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